
Monday, May 19, 2008

Check out our new photo collection!

I signed up for a Flickr account a little bit ago, but haven't had the time to upload any pictures or anything. Well, I shouldn't say didn't have the time, rather I just wasn't very motivated to do it. I'd only seen a few people's Flickr pages and wasn't sure if I'd like it or not. Anyhow, today I finally uploaded a few photos. So far I just have a few photos of our crafty items and some great pictures of trees. I plan to update more very soon. I like how you're able to comment and describe each photo. This is especially nice because I can tell about a certain crafty product or the story behind it. My forest floor series of clutches all have stories behind them! So I really like this feature.

I think what finally got me motivated to start up a Flickr accound was seeing the photos on Samantha Lamb's Flickr account. If you are unfamiliar with her work, go to and check it out. Her photographs are really beautiful and every one has a story behind it. I especially love her set called "The Sea, The Surge & The Seamstress". The composition and light is amazing in all her photos. She also has an Etsy store ( which has a book she put together featuring the photos from "The Sea, The Surge & The Seamstress" collection. I hope to be able to buy a copy soon!

Anyhow, let me know what you think. I am going to try to post new items and inspirations on there very frequently. Also, check the shop ( for new items that were JUST listed. Enjoy!


Kinsey taking some photos the last time we went to Gettysburg in the fall/winter.
The other two photos were taken in Gettysburg, PA as well.

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