Last week, we decided to make another flower bed in our backyard. This is the first tiny step in what we hope to be a massive backyard renovation. Two major things we'd like to do include:
1- Build a new patio. Either by putting stone pavers over our existing concrete one or removing (which I assume would be very time consuming and not to mention rather backbreaking!) the concrete and laying flagstone in a free form pattern.
Here's our current patio...
I really like these pictures of what the flagstone could look like.
2- building a shed. The shed we have now is a small plastic one and isn't really too practical for storing garden tools, containers, and really anything other than our bicycles. Ideally, we'd like to building on the very back of the yard in the far right hand side of the picture below.
Which brings us to our current project of the new flower bed. We already have a small bed along the left side of our yard, so we decided to put this one on the right side along the rail fence. We eventually want to make the bed a lot bigger and more in a half circle shape. Possibly even with a bird bath in the middle once the ground is level. But for now, we opted for a simple rectangle to get things started.
First, we started by making shovel indents in the grass where the bed would be.
Next, came over turning all the grass clumps and digging through and removing all the various objects we find in our pieces, huge rocks, marbles, broken pottery, plastic lions, and the usual things.
Once the soil was nice and clean of debris, I planted the new flowers I got from Kinsey's mother that morning.
More plants, including my new favorite: Lamb's Ear (front center)
Rose Campion
Columbine (one of my new favorites)
These are not in our yard, but Kinsey's parents. I love the circular shape inside the flowers and this dark color. We plan on getting some in these color for our yard soon.

"Moonless Night" daylilies, which are supposed to have a dark maroon and black flower.
Here's Kinsey giving the new transplants a nice long drink.
Here's the finished bed after putting some leaf mulch around the plants. (The green at the close right side by the post is daffodils. They bloom along every post by this fence in the early spring.)
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