We just came back from a 1 and a half week trip to Acadia National Park. We first went to what we call our "favorite place ever", on our honeymoon back in 2007. We decided to celebrate our fourth anniversary with a trip back to the park and some much needed relaxation.
Here's an overlook at the top (well, what we discovered to be the first of the three "peaks") of a mountain that we grossly underestimated the climb. At the top, you could look out over the lakes, oceans, and land of the island. It was a great first hike of our trip and an excellent place to enjoy a soft pretzel and maple mustard that we packed from our
new favorite bakery. (I admit that I became rather obsessed with these pretzel nuggets of glory....and the mustard was phenomenal. I could eat one everyday.)

This is from my favorite "secret" spot along the park loop in Acadia. There is a little pebble beach that isn't marked at all and you wouldn't know it was there if you weren't looking for it. I have no idea how we found it on our honeymoon four years ago, but we did and we think of this place when we think of Maine. There are all kinds of gorges between the mountain of rocks and when the water is rough, you can witness some pretty intense wave crashes. I love this sheltered hole of water along the edge. Check out the those colors!
Kinsey skipping stones on the "secret" beach.
A trail in the woods we followed. Who doesn't like the quiet of the forest with soft pine needles on the ground and moss?
Two of the videos stocked in our cabin. We aren't movie people (we have only been to the movies 4 times in the seven years we've been together), but these scream us. Seriously. Unfortunately, we didn't have a chance to watch them.
We did have time for these books.
A Walk in the Park proved to be an invaluable guide. It list all the trails in the park with detail information on the elevation, difficultly, terrain, and different routes. We learned that when the author says "different and strenuous", he means it. We wanted an easy hike one day and chose a trail described as "one of the most difficult and dangerous trail in the park". (Jordan Cliffs, anyone?)
I loved the bright orange book (which takes a certain person to enjoy) and the one with the raccoon proved informative when on our last night at the cabin, we saw a family of raccoons come right up to our (glass and locked) screen doors. Raccoons are much larger in real life than you may think. The only other time we saw one was in the middle of the day at a nearby creek back home and yes, it definitely wasn't healthy.
We stayed
here. The cabin was in a wonderful location in the park and really close to trails (walking distance). We loved this fireplace in the corner. The window to the right of the fireplace is where the family of raccoons came up. The cabin even had a small loft (which I named the "puzzle loft" because there were puzzles up there).
Here's the outside of the cabin. Complete with a birch tree growing in the middle of the wooden walkway to the door. Love it.