I won't lie. When Kinsey and I first saw our potential house, the bedroom was one of the rooms that sold me (The first being the dining room...painted in the exact shade of green we've always wanted and with a wonderful wood floor to add to that!) It used to be the master bedroom and a smaller room, but previous owners combined the two rooms to form a very generous and large master bedroom, complete with cedar lined his and her walk-in closets. I also was immediately drawn to the beams on the ceiling. We love the look of restored barns and all the woodwork, and while ours beams certainly aren't salvaged wood, they do the trick.
Anyhow, the one thing the bedroom lacked was, well, color. The carpet is a very neutral tan, the walls were a shade of white and all the trim in the room was a medium tan. It at times could seem very apartment like. Given the color of the walls in the rest of the house (green in the dining room and orange on two of the living room walls), it seemed that it needed a little boost. After occupying the house for exactly 10 months and going between a million various shades between light blue and light aqua, we decided to go for it.

Here was our bedroom right before painting began. Rather plain and actually almost dark despite the white walls.

Here's the color we settled on - "Aquatic Mist" by Valspar. We picked it because Kinsey made the statement, "It makes me think of Maine". Oh, and see that little red tool? It's one of those paint edgers you see all over in home improvement store that I never thought we really needed before. All that's changed. While I did still tape along the bottom of our heater, it completely eliminated the need to tape the trim on the ceiling, windows, and doors. Not to mentioned I feel like it saved a ton of time. Just one sweep of it is all you need. Perfect, perfect, perfect. And it's only about $2.50.

The first strip of paint using our new favorite tool.

The final result! This is right after we painted and of course before we moved everything back to their respectable spots, but you can see what a complete difference it made. The room is so much brighter now and gives off a coast of Maine feel to us. We're completely in love with the room now.
I'll have a more finished room picture posted soon.