The kit includes eight little "canvases" which measure 7 inches by 5 inches and features all different scence. The one I just started is supposed to look like this in the end:
So far I have this:
Obviously, I have a long way to go, but it's quite relaxing. There's a great store that carries vintage housewares and clothing nearby in Lancaster called, Mommalicious, that has quite a few older finished paint by numbers. If you live near Lancaster, Pa you should really check out this store. I always find such great things. Most of the paintings there are of nature and trees, which is right up our alley. The last time I was there I found this great double sided one. One side had Jesus on and the other side had Mary. The only problem is it's impossible to display both sides, so you'd be forced to pick one. And how can you pick one? So I have not bought it...yet. If you haven't look at vintage paint by numbers, you really should. They're full of great inspiration and ideas. Not to mention they can look extra amazing in a nice wooden frame.
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