I signed up for a Flickr account a little bit ago, but haven't had the time to upload any pictures or anything. Well, I shouldn't say didn't have the time, rather I just wasn't very motivated to do it. I'd only seen a few people's Flickr pages and wasn't sure if I'd like it or not. Anyhow, today I finally uploaded a few photos. So far I just have a few photos of our crafty items and some great pictures of trees. I plan to update more very soon. I like how you're able to comment and describe each photo. This is especially nice because I can tell about a certain crafty product or the story behind it. My forest floor series of clutches all have stories behind them! So I really like this feature.
I think what finally got me motivated to start up a Flickr accound was seeing the photos on Samantha Lamb's Flickr account. If you are unfamiliar with her work, go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/samanthalamb/ and check it out. Her photographs are really beautiful and every one has a story behind it. I especially love her set called "The Sea, The Surge & The Seamstress". The composition and light is amazing in all her photos. She also has an Etsy store (samlamb.etsy.com) which has a book she put together featuring the photos from "The Sea, The Surge & The Seamstress" collection. I hope to be able to buy a copy soon!
Anyhow, let me know what you think. I am going to try to post new items and inspirations on there very frequently. Also, check the shop (http://www.tributary.etsy.com) for new items that were JUST listed. Enjoy!
Kinsey taking some photos the last time we went to Gettysburg in the fall/winter.
The other two photos were taken in Gettysburg, PA as well.