So if you've visited our online shop recently (tributary.etsy.com), you've probably seen our latest creation. Felt state pins! Here's some photos:

The pins are entitled, "My heart's in....(fill in the state here)" . Each pin is completely handsewn and features a small embroidered heart within a special city. These pins can be custom ordered for specific states or location of the heart. I've done a total of six states so far, and hope to continue if they take off! Also, we've been busy sewing away lately and have many new clutches and such to list. We will be listing new things as much as possible throughout the week. Just listed in the shop, is the first ever clutch I've done featuring water. It's inspired by our recent trip to Ricketts Glen State Park and depicts two trees along a stream. Be sure to check it out.
In other news, we just got back from a camping trip to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. We try to go down at least once every year. It's a beautiful place and driving along Skyline Drive is a wonderful time! For those of you who have not been, you must try to go sometime. It's a 104 mile road with tons of overlooks that look out into the Shenandoah Valley. All kinds of wildlife and flowers populate the area as well. The picture at the beginning of this entry is of myself on a small overlook hike we did. It was very peaceful and quiet at the top of the rocks. The campsite we picked was about six yards away from a portion of the Appalachian Trail and a small stream.

It was a great trip and was full of a few "firsts". First of all, while we were preparing dinner, we heard what sounded like a handsaw. We looked around and saw that the people who were camping close by to us, to our disbelief, were cutting down a tree! I'm not sure why they thought it was okay to cut down trees in the first place because this is a NATIONAL park! And what's worse is, that the man didn't even use the cut down tree! He declared it was "too green". It was definitely a sad event to watch for two tree lovers like Kinsey and myself. Lastly, while we were eating our delicious dinner cooked over the fire, a huge buck with magnificent horns came down to our campsite and stood a mere two feet away from us. The buck just stood there staring at us and our food. We weren't sure what to do, because we never had been in this situation before. We just stayed very calm, didn't look at the buck in the eyes and started putting away some of our food. The campsite had a steel "bear box" for storing food, so we let the doors slam on that which caused a loud bang sound. This scared the buck away and he galloped swiftly down to a nearby stream. Needless to say, that's definitely something we won't forget anytime soon! Since deers have been on the mind for us lately, here's some appropriate finds we found on Etsy when searching for deer:

This gorgeous necklace is by gogingin for $34.

This cute little necklace is by greensquirrel for $12.

This print is by the wonderful berkleyillustration for $15.

This card set is by snew for $4.75.
Happy Monday!