It all started with a whale. A stuffed whale that is. Kinsey made this for me early 2009. I had seen a stuffed whale in one of my craft books and loved it. Although the one I saw in the book was made of old jeans and didn't look quite as good as the one below.
I love this whale and I won't lie, I sometimes use it as a pillow when I sleep. So seeing how much I loved the first animal, Kinsey surprised me with this one last Christmas:
The other week I got the sudden urge to see if I could make a similar owl. I didn't want my new owl (or owls in this case) to be as large as the original, but not too small. I also wanted to change the eyes and make them not as large. I wanted to eliminate the zigzag stitching and give the a cleaner overall appearance. Another area I wanted to improve was the shape. I like the original and how the spiky tail is, but I thought a smooth, straight edge may be a little better for the overall shape. So with all this in mind, I set out to create an owl of my own. I started with this one....
I replaced the eyes and beak with felt, as well as the back of the owl is a solid piece of soft brown felt. I liked the idea of a bolder stomach fabric and the simplicity of the shape.
The final results: I ended up with an ideal length of about 10 inches and by replacing different features with felt, the overall feel is much softer. The owls don't contain any small parts and are filled with a non allegoric poly-fil. Just in time for Christmas...
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